Some notes on how to organize your flask app structure, and some thoughts on deployment.

This post is a summary of what I learnt perusing a lot of websites. My goal here is to:

  • summarize the directory structure for a flask app
  • setup SQLAlchemy with migrations
  • outline the setup for transition to production

Directory Structure

If you want to build a website based on the Flask framework for python. I recommend you organize you app as:

        |__ /myapp
                |__ /subapp1
                |__ /templates
                        |-- base.html
                        |-- index.html
                        |__ /subapp1
                                |-- subapp1_index.html
                                |-- otherpage.html
                |__ /static
                        |__ /js
                        |__ /css
        |-- Requirements.txt
        |__ /env
        |__ /migrations
                |__ ...
        |__ /etl
                |__ ...

What I have shown above is the overall structure of a Flask application that will transition over to production smoothly. Let me explain the structure briefly before we dive into any code.

  • is the actual python code that will import the app and execute
  • is the file for storing configurations for the app
  • myapp is the folder containing the python code and its dependencies such as templates and static files
  • myapp/ is typically where I create the Flask app instance and do all the configuration
  • myapp/subapp1 is a sub-package under the myapp packages. I recommend using sub-packages to organize your web application with the help of Blueprints.
    • myapp/subapp1/ is the place to create the Blueprint definition and other initializations corresponding to your sub-package.
    • myapp/subapp1/ is the place to define the SQLAlchemy models.
    • myapp/subapp1/ is the place to define the routes that the submodule will provide
    • myapp/subapp1/ is the bridge between model and view. Use this file to create functions to wrap your database queries using models defined in that `` can call. In the future, should you want to add caching support, you can directly add here and have the benefit of caching.
    • templates folder with its sub structure contains the Flask html templates. By mirroring the template sub-folders similar to the app sub-modules, it would be easier to maintain.
    • static folder contains all the static resources. By isolating this folder, we could use other servers such as nginx to serve static content.
  • script can contain the setup script to bundle your app.
  • typically contains resources about your package, other resources that you wish to package.
  • Requirements.txt is the place to put all your package dependencies. You can easily install all dependencies using pip.
  • env can contain your virtual environment for development.
  • is the place to put any kinds of Flask related scripts, such as database migrations.
  • migrations folder containing configuration and scripts associated with database migration.
  • etl is a folder to put scripts related to ETL tasks. This is something that you could move to a different location. Though sometimes it is convenient to group them if you do need to share code with your app.
  • to automate local and server side tasks that need to be run often.

... to be continued.

   programming   flask   python  

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I am Goutham Balaraman, and I explore topics in quantitative finance, programming, and data science. You can follow me @gsbalaraman.

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