Articles with the finance tag
Option Model Handbook, Part III: European Option Pricing With QuantLib Python
May 08, 2015 by Gouthaman BalaramanDemonstrates how to price European options using QuantLib Python. Methods using Black-Scholes-Merton formula and binomial tree will be discussed.
quantlib python finance option modelsAn Introduction to Interest Rate Term Structure in QuantLib Python
April 08, 2015 by Goutham BalaramanModeling Fixed Rate Bonds in QuantLib Python
March 30, 2015 by Goutham BalaramanIntroduction to QuantLib Python
March 24, 2015 by Goutham BalaramanUnderstanding the Econometric Factor Model
October 26, 2014 by Gouthaman BalaramanEconometric Factor Model
October 20, 2014 by Gouthaman BalaramanOption Model Handbook, Part II: Introduction to Binomial Trees
September 30, 2014 by Gouthaman BalaramanThis handbook gives a concise introduction to option models. Part II gives a basic introduction to binomial trees and its usage in pricing options.
finance option models binomial tree