Articles by Gouthaman Balaraman
Option Model Handbook, Part I: Introduction to Option Models
August 08, 2014 by Gouthaman BalaramanThis handbook gives a concise introduction to option models. Part I gives a basic introduction to principles behind option model pricing
finance option models binomial treeRunning ZEO as a Windows Service
August 04, 2014 by Gouthaman BalaramanThis article shows how to use ZEO-WinService to run ZEO as a service in Windows.
Programming Python ZEO ZODBMinimal Flask-Login Example
July 24, 2014 by Gouthaman BalaramanFlask-Login is a Flask extension that provides a framework for handling user authentication. This post will give you a basic tutorial of the Flask-Login mechanism for token based authentication.
Programming Python Flask AuthenticationFlask Track Usage Primer
March 26, 2014 by Gouthaman BalaramanFlask Track Usage is a very light weight Flask extension to track usage traffic for Flask apps. This post will give you a brief introduction to the usage and merits.
Programming Python